!!Annual Meeting of the AOAO to be held on 1/27/23 @ 9am (registration at 8:30am) at the Queens Marketplace 2nd Floor, Suite 2F7 -- All owners are encouraged to attend. Don't forget to send out your PROXY paperwork even if you plan to attend in person!


Important Contacts for Our Community:

Name: Jim McNabb
Title: Resident Manager
Company: Fairway Villas at Waikoloa
Phone: (808) 886-1171
Cell: (808) 960-8472
Email: fairwayvillas@hawaii.rr.com

Name: Todd Woomer
Title: President
Company: Owner/Resident
Cell: (253) 261-5633
Email: twoomer921@gmail.com

Name: Lani Ormsby
Title: Secretary
Company: Owner/Resident
Cell: (808) 365-3452
Email: lani.ormsby@gmail.com

Name: Nora Rhodes
Title: CMCA, AMS
Company: Hawaiiana Management Co., Ltd.
Phone: (808) 930-3218 ext. 238
Fax: (808) 331-1743
Email: norar@hmcmgt.com